
I am just another member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints airing my personal opinions.
This "hands-on" is in the form of what we call a personal testimony.

My personal ideas and interpretations.

I hope it's useful. If not, I hope you'll forgive me for wasting your time.

Above all, don't take my word for the things I write. Look the scriptures up yourself. Your opinion of them is far more important to you than mine.

Monday, January 29, 2018

Vocabulary and Grammar from the Sacrament

Japanese vocabulary and grammar for the ordinance of the Sacramental blessing of the bread:

永遠 (えいえん= e.i-e.n) : eternity

の (no) : genetive particle, like "of", but post-position instead of pre-position.

永遠の (eien-no) : of eternity => eternal

父 (ちち=chi.chi) : father

なる (na-ru) : be, become

父なる(chichi-naru) : father (adjective, from "being father")

神 (かみ = kami) : god (god/angel/spirit/intelligence)

父なる神 (Chichi-naru Kami) : God, the Father

よ (yo) : directive/directional particle, like "to", but post-position

神よ (Kami yo) : "(Hey,) God!"; "Oh God, ..." -- addressing God

永遠の父なる神よ (eien-no chichi-naru kami yo) : "Oh, God, the Eternal Father"

私 (わたし = watashi) : I, me (Also pronounced "watakushi" (masculine) and "atasi" (feminine).)

私達 (わたしたち = watashi-tachi) : we, us (those who are in the same class/group as me)

は (ha => "wa") : topical particle (post-position) (Pronounced as "wa" when used as particle.)

私達は (watashi-tachi wa) : we (grammatical subject form, sort-of)

子 (こ = ko) : child

御子 (おんこ = On-ko) : (honorific child =>) the Son

イエス ( : Jesus

キリスト ( : Christ

名 (な = na) : name

御名 (みな = Mi-na) : honorific name

に (ni) : indicative particle (in, through, by, of, for) (post-position)

による (ni yo-ru) : to be through, in, or by something (verbal)

によって (ni yo-t.te) : through (adverbal)

イエスキリストの御名によって (Iesu Kirisuto no Mi-na ni yotte) : ... in the name of Jesus Christ

貴方 (あなた = : you (honorific)

貴方に (anata ni) : you (grammatical object form), "to you"

願う (ねがう = : desire, wish, hope

求める (もとめる = : seek, desire

願い求める (nega-i-motome-ru) : seek/ask/request (a favor)

ます (ma-su) : increase (polite ending of verbs)

わたしたちは御子イエス・キリストの御名によってあなたに願い求めます (watashi-tachi wa On-ko Iesu Kirisuto no Mi-na ni yotte anata ni nega-i-moto-me-masu) : "... we ask (thee) in the name of (thy) Son, Jesus Christ ...".
(Note that "Anata" here can be ambiguous, applying to someone of higher rank/class, or, as in the case of a wife, to a close familiar of higher rank such as a husband. It is not, however, the general familiar that "thee" was when the Bible was first translated to English.)

この ( : this (adjective)

パン (pa.n) : bread (via Portuguese)

を (wo => "o") : objective particle (post-position) (The "w" is almost never pronounced.)

頂く (いただく = i.ta.da-ku) : partake (receive) (Used especially with food, but not limited to food. Often used in polite grammar. The set phrase, 「いただきます。」 ("Itadakimasu.") is often spoken before eating a meal to express gratitude for the food -- both specific and abstract.)

このパンを頂く (pan-wo itada-ku) : partake of this bread (May be used to modify the following noun or noun-phrase.)

全て (すべて = : all, a complete set

全ての (subete-no) : all (of something)

人 (ひと = : person

人々 (ひとびと = hito-bito) : people

が (が = ga) : true subjective particle (post-position)

このパンを頂く全ての人々が (kono pan wo itada-ku subete-no hito-bito ga) : "All (people) who partake of this bread" (Constructed as the subject of the sentence.)

体 (からだ = ka.ra.da) : body

記念 (きねん = : memorial

御子の体の記念に (Onko no karada no kinen ni) : "... in remembrance of the body of (thy) Son ..."

これ ( : this (noun)

頂ける (いただける = : can be partaken

ように (yo.u-ni) : in some way, "that"

これを頂けるように (kore wo itada-keru yō-ni) : that (they) may partake

御子の体の記念にこれを頂けるように (On-ko no karada no kinen ni kore wo itada-keru yō-ni) : " "... that (they) may (eat) in remembrance of the body of (thy) Son ..."

また (ma.ta) : and

進む (すすむ = : proceed, move forward

進んで ( : proceeding (adverb), moving forward => willingly

受ける (うける = u-keru) : receive, accept

進んで御子の御名を受け (susu-nde On-ko no Mi-na wo u-ke) : willingly (taking upon them) the name of (thy) Son => "... that (they) are willing to (take upon them) the name of (thy) Son,"

いつ (i.tsu) : when

いつも (i.tsu-mo) : whenever, at all times

覚える (おぼえる = : remember, recall

いつも御子を覚え (itsu-mo On-ko wo obo-e) : always remembering (thy) Son => "... that they do always remember Him,"

与える (あたえる = : give, present with (equal rank)

くださる ( : give (from higher rank to lower rank)

くださった (ku.da-sa.t.ta) : gave

戒める (いましめる = : command, order (verb)

戒め (imashi-me) : command(s) (noun) => commandment(s)

守る (まもる = : obey, protect, keep

こと ( : thing, that

御子が与えて下さった戒めを守ることを (On-ko ga ata-ete kuda-satta imashi-me wo mamo-ru koto wo) : that (they will) keep the commandments which (thy Son) gave them (Constructed as the object of the sentence.)

** Note that "koto wo" actually collects several phrases as objects through the grammatical construction, including the quasi gerund forms (obo-e, u-ke) and the word "mata".

証明 (しょうめい = sho.u-me.i) : proof, witness (noun)

証明する (しょうめいする = shōmei-suru) : witness (verb), testify

あなたに証明して (anata ni shōmei-shite) : witessing to (thee) => that (they may) witness unto (thee)

御霊 (みたま = : (the) spirit, the Holy Spirit

受けられる ( : to be received, can receive

いつも御子の御霊を受けられるように (itsu-mo Onko no Mitama wo u-kerareru yō-ni) : that (they) may always receive the Spirit of (thy) Son => "that they may always have (His) Spirit (with them)"

祝福 (しゅくふく = shu.ku.fu.ku) : blessing

祝福する (shukufuku-suru) : bless (verb)

清める (きよめる = : purify

聖める (きよめる = : sanctify

ください (ku.da-sa.i) : (Please.)

このパンを祝福し、聖めてください。 (kono pan wo shukufuku-shi, kiyo-mete kuda-sai.) : (Please) bless and sanctify this bread.

アーメン ( : amen

Additional Japanese vocabulary and grammar for the ordinance of the Sacramental blessing of the bread: 

水 (みず = mi.zu) : water

(Old kana: みづ。 Also, compare 湯 (ゆ = yu): hot water.)

For reference:
葡萄 (ぶどう = : grape
酒 (さけ = : (rice) wine
酒 (しゅ = shu) : distilled (alcoholic) spirits
葡萄酒 (ぶどうしゅ = budō-shu) : grape distillates, ergo, grape wine

この水を頂く全ての人々が (kono pan wo itada-ku subete-no hito-bito ga) : "All (people) who drink of this water" (Constructed as the subject of the sentence.)

為 (ため = : the good/sake (of), the cause (of), the benefit (of)

為に (ために = tame-ni) : for the sake/benefit of, because of

この人々のために (kono hito-bito no tame-ni) : for the sake of these people

流れる (ながれる = : flow (verb)

流す (ながす = : (cause to) flow, wash (verb, separate from "cleanse")

For reference:
洗う (あらう = a.ra-u) : wash, cleanse
洗い流す (ara-i naga-su) : wash clean

流される (ながされる = : be caused to flow, (honorific) cause to flow

血 (ち = chi) :

流された血 (naga-sareta chi) : blood which has been shed

この人々のために流された御子の血 (kono hito-bito no tame-ni naga-sareta On-ko no chi) : the blood of the Son, which was shed for these people => "the blood of (thy) Son which was shed for (them)"

覚えている (おぼえている = : be remembering

いつも御子を覚えていることを (itsu-mo On-ko wo obo-eteiru koto wo) : that (they) are always remembering the Son => "that (they) do always remember (Him)"

Note that, as in the English prayers, this uses vocabulary and grammar that would not ordinarily be used outside these prayers.

Hopefully, I will be able post a series of blogs that show how to say these kinds of things in ordinary prayers and conversation, later.

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