
I am just another member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints airing my personal opinions.
This "hands-on" is in the form of what we call a personal testimony.

My personal ideas and interpretations.

I hope it's useful. If not, I hope you'll forgive me for wasting your time.

Above all, don't take my word for the things I write. Look the scriptures up yourself. Your opinion of them is far more important to you than mine.

Sunday, December 27, 2020

Kanji and the Hymnal and 以心伝心

There's something I want to see in the new Japanese Hymnal.

The current (and previous) Japanese Hymnal has what I consider a problem. When you're singing a song you are not very familiar with, it can sometimes be hard to tell what the words mean. It can often be difficult to tell what you are supposed to be singing. 

The Japanese printed with the musical parts is only written in 仮名 (かな/kana -- the pronunciation alphabets). No punctuation is included. 

The 漢字 (かんじ/kanji) lyrics, with punctuation, are shown below the parts for reference. In the physical Hymnal, that's often on a separate page, often on the page before or after. Sometimes you have to turn a page to read it.

It's difficult to focus on both the tune and the meaning when the Kanji are separate. Why?

Japanese has four primary scripts, or sets of letters/characters, used in writing the language:

  • Kanji  (漢字 -- the logographic/ideographic symbols somewhat shared with Chinese), 
  • hiragana (ひらがな -- the cursive phonetic script),  
  • katakana (カタカナ -- the block phonetic script often used for foreign words or emphasis), 
  • and Romaji (the phonetic script borrowed from Latin-based languages).

Three of those are phonetic scripts. They are useful for reading the (standard) pronunciation of Japanese words and phrases, but they aren't as useful for carrying the meaning.

There are two primary reasons:

  • Japanese contains a lot of homophones (words that sound the same), and it often isn't easy to tell which meaning is meant without more clues than pronunciation. 
  • This is compounded by the fact that Japanese does not use space to delimit words. It is often hard to tell where one word ends and the next begins.

(I have been meaning to write about this for more than twenty-five years, but I keep getting home after church and forgetting, or something else takes priority. But I think it's important, and becoming more important the later it gets.)

I have no time now to dig the more problematic examples back up, so I'll just use one of the hymns we sang today, "'Tis Sweet to Sing the Matchless Love, #176 in the English Hymnal, 「たぐいなき愛を」 ("Tagui-naki Ai wo") #101 in the Japanese. (I sang it at home while attending via the Line chat/meeting app on my cell phone.)

The first phrase of the first verse goes like this in the kana:

 Hitonotameten'wo kudariteshinitamou

The Kanji looks like this:

Hito no tame Ten wo kudarite, shini tamou

If you are familiar with the doctrine of Jesus descending (kudarite) from Heaven (Ten) to die (shini-tamou) for man (hito no tame), that's an easy read. 

If you are a new or young member of the Church (or a foreigner), the word "die" can get swallowed in the inflectional ambiguities (kudariteshi) in the unfamiliar archaic Japanese.

The next phrase includes the archaic word "kusushiki" (in archaic inflection). With the Kanji form, 「奇すしき」, I'm inclined to believe that people will still recognize it (from 「奇跡」、 "kiseki", or miracle). Without the Kanji, again, for new/young members and foreigners, not so much.

The first phrase of the second verse goes like this:

With the Kanji:

Ansokubi ni ai, hateshi shu no shirushi

With the Kanji and the comma, 「果てし」 ("hateshi") (going to extremity, or completing) is clearly modifying 「主」  (shu) (Lord). Without, 「あいは」 (ai ha => ai wa) can easily be misread as "concerning love". 

(The hiragana "ha" in certain positions changes to read as the topical particle, "wa".)

In the first phrase of the third verse, the phrase 

ko mo shi mo tomo mo
occurs. 「師」 (shi) means "teacher" here, but is not a vocabulary word in the ordinary vernacular. It could be considered an abbreviation of 「教師」, which is common, but young children and foreigners will be distracted by it. Without the Kanji they may confuse it for 「死」 (death, pronounced "shi" in the ordinary vernacular).

One more from this song, in the second phrase of the last verse, we have

Shu no Mi-na ni hozana
Here, "Mi-na" is 「御名」, or "revered name", thus "Hosanna to the name of the Lord". But "mina" in the ordinary vernacular is 「皆」, "all", or "everyone", so that can easily be read "Hosanna to all of the Lord's people!"

The sincere, mature member will not be distracted by any of this. In fact, it may become an excuse to study the words of the hymns. The principle of 以心伝心 (ishin denshin, mutual understanding) will motivate the necessary seeking.

But many new members, children, and investigators won't have that mutual understanding, and will never find the motivation to study the lyrics.

And they will lose an important source of meaning and strength.

(As near as I can tell, demanding mutual understanding is not the path the Lord took in His teaching.)

Well, I've run out of time to do this the right way, showing my suggested approach piece-by-piece, so I'm going to risk copyright offense and post here something that sort-of shows my suggested approach -- mixing the Kanji with the kana:

If I'd had more time, I could have pasted in punctuation.

It's not ideal. Perhaps the 漢字 should be enclosed in parenthesis or something. But I think we need something to help us find the connection to the meaning when we're singing.

Sunday, November 29, 2020

English to Japanese Cross-index of Hymns of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints

Finally was able to take the time to construct this cross-index of English to Japanese hymns of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (1985 version). (A cross-index of Japanese to English hymns is available in the Japanese Hymnbook.)

曲番が負の場合は、片方の賛美歌集のみにある歌です。Negative numbers mean the hymn is not in the other hymnbook.

The Morning Breaks 1
夜明けだ,夜明けだ 1
The Spirit of God 2
主のみたまは火のごと燃え 3
Now Let Us Rejoice 3
いざ救いの日を楽しまん 5
Truth Eternal 4

High on the Mountain Top 5
山の上に 2
Redeemer of Israel 6
イスラエルの救い主 4
Israel, Israel, God Is Calling 7
悩めるイスラエル 6
Awake and Arise 8
目覚めよ,起て 7
Come, Rejoice 9
来たれ,喜べや 8
Come, Sing to the Lord 10

What Was Witnessed in the Heavens? 11
何を天に見しか 9
’Twas Witnessed in the Morning Sky 12

An Angel from on High 13
長き沈黙破りて出づ 10
Sweet Is the Peace the Gospel Brings 14

I Saw a Mighty Angel Fly 15

What Glorious Scenes Mine Eyes Behold 16

Awake, Ye Saints of God, Awake! 17

The Voice of God Again Is Heard 18

We Thank Thee, O God, for a Prophet 19
感謝を神に捧げん 11
God of Power, God of Right 20
力の神よ 12
Come, Listen to a Prophet’s Voice 21
来たれ,予言者より 13
We Listen to a Prophet’s Voice 22

We Ever Pray for Thee 23

God Bless Our Prophet Dear 24
わが予言者に祝福あれ 14
Now We’ll Sing with One Accord 25

Joseph Smith’s First Prayer 26
麗しき朝よ 18
Praise to the Man 27
たたえよ,主の召したまいし 16
Saints, Behold How Great Jehovah 28

A Poor Wayfaring Man of Grief 29
悩める旅人 15
Come, Come, Ye Saints 30
恐れず来たれ,聖徒 17
O God, Our Help in Ages Past 31
ああ,神いつでも 19
The Happy Day at Last Has Come 32
楽しき日は来て 20
Our Mountain Home So Dear 33
山の家 21
O Ye Mountains High 34
高き山よ 22
For the Strength of the Hills 35
山の強さのため 23
They, the Builders of the Nation 36
国を造りたる 24
The Wintry Day, Descending to Its Close 37

Come, All Ye Saints of Zion 38

O Saints of Zion 39

Arise, O Glorious Zion 40

Let Zion in Her Beauty Rise 41

Hail to the Brightness of Zion’s Glad Morning! 42
シオンの朝は輝き 25
Zion Stands with Hills Surrounded 43
山に囲まれて 26
Beautiful Zion, Built Above 44
み空に麗し 27
Lead Me into Life Eternal 45

Glorious Things of Thee Are Spoken 46

We Will Sing of Zion 47

Glorious Things Are Sung of Zion 48

Adam-ondi-Ahman 49

Come, Thou Glorious Day of Promise 50

Sons of Michael, He Approaches 51

The Day Dawn Is Breaking 52
明けゆく空 28
Let Earth’s Inhabitants Rejoice 53

Behold, the Mountain of the Lord 54

Lo, the Mighty God Appearing! 55

Softly Beams the Sacred Dawning 56

We’re Not Ashamed to Own Our Lord 57

Come, Ye Children of the Lord 58
来たれ,主の子ら 31
Come, O Thou King of Kings 59
来ませ,王の王 29
Battle Hymn of the Republic 60
リパブリック賛歌 30
Raise Your Voices to the Lord 61

All Creatures of Our God and King 62
神は造り主 34
Great King of Heaven 63

On This Day of Joy and Gladness 64

Come, All Ye Saints Who Dwell on Earth 65

Rejoice, the Lord Is King! 66
喜べ,主を 32
Glory to God on High 67
神に栄え 33
A Mighty Fortress Is Our God 68
神はわが砦 36
All Glory, Laud, and Honor 69

Sing Praise to Him 70

With Songs of Praise 71

Praise to the Lord, the Almighty 72
造り主の主 37
Praise the Lord with Heart and Voice 73
たたえよ神を 38
Praise Ye the Lord 74

In Hymns of Praise 75

God of Our Fathers, We Come unto Thee 76
父なる神のもとに 43
Great Is the Lord 77

God of Our Fathers, Whose Almighty Hand 78
全能の父なる神よ 40
With All the Power of Heart and Tongue 79

God of Our Fathers, Known of Old 80

Press Forward, Saints 81

For All the Saints 82

Guide Us, O Thou Great Jehovah 83
導きたまえよ 41
Faith of Our Fathers 84
いにしえの聖徒の 42
How Firm a Foundation 85
主のみ言葉 46
How Great Thou Art 86
わが主よ、わが神 44
God Is Love 87
神は愛なり 45
Great God, Attend While Zion Sings 88

The Lord Is My Light 89
主は光 47
From All That Dwell below the Skies 90

Father, Thy Children to Thee Now Raise 91
父よ、子らはうたう 48
For the Beauty of the Earth 92
地は麗しく 50
Prayer of Thanksgiving 93
感謝の祈り 49
Come, Ye Thankful People 94
来たりてうたえ 51
Now Thank We All Our God 95

Dearest Children, God Is Near You 96

Lead, Kindly Light 97
取り巻く闇の中を 52
I Need Thee Every Hour 98
絶えず頼り主求む 53
Nearer, Dear Savior, to Thee 99
主に近づかん 54
Nearer, My God, to Thee 100
神よ,汝れに近寄らん 55
Guide Me to Thee 101
主よ,導きたまえ 56
Jesus, Lover of My Soul 102
主イエスよ,愛もて 57
Precious Savior, Dear Redeemer 103
尊き救い主 58
Jesus, Savior, Pilot Me 104
主よ,荒海を導きたまえ 61
Master, the Tempest Is Raging 105
主よ,嵐すさび 59
God Speed the Right 106
正義を守れと主に祈る 60
Lord, Accept Our True Devotion 107
主よ,祈り受けて 62
The Lord Is My Shepherd 108
主はわが飼い手 63
The Lord My Pasture Will Prepare 109
飼い主はわれを 65
Cast Thy Burden upon the Lord 110

Rock of Ages 111
主よ,汝がみ手に 64
Savior, Redeemer of My Soul 112

Our Savior’s Love 113

Come unto Him 114

Come, Ye Disconsolate 115

Come, Follow Me 116
われに来よ 66
Come unto Jesus 117
主に来たれ 67
Ye Simple Souls Who Stray 118

Come, We That Love the Lord 119
来たれ,友よ 68
Lean on My Ample Arm 120

I’m a Pilgrim, I’m a Stranger 121

Though Deepening Trials 122
試しは多くも 69
Oh, May My Soul Commune with Thee 123

Be Still, My Soul 124

How Gentle God’s Commands 125
いともやさし 70
How Long, O Lord Most Holy and True 126

Does the Journey Seem Long? 127

When Faith Endures 128

Where Can I Turn for Peace? 129

Be Thou Humble 130
高ぶり慎み 71
More Holiness Give Me 131
さらに聖くなお努めん 74
God Is in His Holy Temple 132

Father in Heaven 133
天の御父 76
I Believe in Christ 134
救い主,われ信ず 72
My Redeemer Lives 135
贖いの主 73
I Know That My Redeemer Lives 136
主は生けにりと知る 75
Testimony 137
Bless Our Fast, We Pray 138

In Fasting We Approach Thee 139

Did You Think to Pray? 140
部屋を出る前に 78
Jesus, the Very Thought of Thee 141
主イエスよ,わが胸 80
Sweet Hour of Prayer 142
祈りは楽しき 81
Let the Holy Spirit Guide 143
みたまはわれに 82
Secret Prayer 144
ひそかな祈り 79
Prayer Is the Soul’s Sincere Desire 145
祈りは魂の 83
Gently Raise the Sacred Strain 146
賛歌を捧げん 84
Sweet Is the Work 147
わが神,わが王 87
Sabbath Day 148

As the Dew from Heaven Distilling 149
草の露は,主の 86
O Thou Kind and Gracious Father 150

We Meet, Dear Lord 151

God Be with You Till We Meet Again 152
神よ,また逢うまで 85
Lord, We Ask Thee Ere We Part 153
わかれに願う 93
Father, This Hour Has Been One of Joy 154

We Have Partaken of Thy Love 155

Sing We Now at Parting 156
わかれまた 88
Thy Spirit, Lord, Has Stirred Our Souls 157

Before Thee, Lord, I Bow My Head 158
み前にぬかずき 89
Now the Day Is Over 159
日は暮れゆき 95
Softly Now the Light of Day 160
陽は暮れゆきて 90
The Lord Be with Us 161

Lord, We Come before Thee Now 162

Lord, Dismiss Us with Thy Blessing 163
心に平和と 91
Great God, to Thee My Evening Song 164

Abide with Me; ’Tis Eventide 165
主よ,われと共に 94
Abide with Me! 166
日は暮れ 92
Come, Let Us Sing an Evening Hymn 167

As the Shadows Fall 168

As Now We Take the Sacrament 169

God, Our Father, Hear Us Pray 170
父なる神よ 96
With Humble Heart 171

In Humility, Our Savior 172
われら祈りまつる 97
While of These Emblems We Partake (SAUL) 173

While of These Emblems We Partake (AEOLIAN) 174
聖餐受くとき 98
O God, the Eternal Father 175
天にまします永遠なる父 99
’Tis Sweet to Sing the Matchless Love (MEREDITH) 176
たぐいなき愛 101
’Tis Sweet to Sing the Matchless Love (HANCOCK) 177

O Lord of Hosts 178
主よ裂きしパンと 102
Again, Our Dear Redeeming Lord 179

Father in Heaven, We Do Believe 180

Jesus of Nazareth, Savior and King 181
ナザレ出しわが主よ 100
We’ll Sing All Hail to Jesus’ Name 182
主の御名をたたえん 105
In Remembrance of Thy Suffering 183
罪人のために 103
Upon the Cross of Calvary 184
カルバリに 106
Reverently and Meekly Now 185
敬い崇め 104
Again We Meet around the Board 186

God Loved Us, So He Sent His Son 187
神は世を愛し 107
Thy Will, O Lord, Be Done 188

O Thou, Before the World Began 189

In Memory of the Crucified 190
十字架を覚え 111
Behold the Great Redeemer Die 191
見よ,罪のために 108
He Died! The Great Redeemer Died 192

I Stand All Amazed 193
主イエスの愛に 109
There Is a Green Hill Far Away 194
街を離れたる青き丘に 110
How Great the Wisdom and the Love 195
高きに満ちたる 112
Jesus, Once of Humble Birth 196
いやしく生まれ 113
O Savior, Thou Who Wearest a Crown 197

That Easter Morn 198

He Is Risen! 199
主はよみがえりぬ 114
Christ the Lord Is Risen Today 200
主はよみがえりぬ(アレルヤ) 115
Joy to the World 201
もろびと,こぞりて 116
Oh, Come, All Ye Faithful 202
神の御子は今宵しも 117
Angels We Have Heard on High 203
み使い空に 119
Silent Night 204
聖し,この夜 118
Once in Royal David’s City 205

Away in a Manger 206
天を降りし神の御子 120
It Came upon the Midnight Clear 207
天なる神には 121
O Little Town of Bethlehem 208
ああ,ベツレヘムよ 122
Hark! The Herald Angels Sing 209
天には栄え 123
With Wondering Awe 210
奇しきあか星 125
While Shepherds Watched Their Flocks 211
羊飼いらが 124
Far, Far Away on Judea’s Plains 212
昔,ユダヤの野辺に 126
The First Noel 213
牧人,羊を 127
I Heard the Bells on Christmas Day 214
なつかしい鐘は鳴る 128
Ring Out, Wild Bells 215

We Are Sowing 216
日々によき種と 133
Come, Let Us Anew 217
来たれ,旅を共に続けん 135
We Give Thee But Thine Own 218

Because I Have Been Given Much 219
主の恵み、人にも分かたん 138
Lord, I Would Follow Thee 220
われ主を愛して 134
Dear to the Heart of the Shepherd 221
羊を守れる羊飼いの愛 136
Hear Thou Our Hymn, O Lord 222

Have I Done Any Good? 223
今日われ善きことせしか 137
I Have Work Enough to Do 224
陽の落ちね間に 145
We Are Marching On to Glory 225

Improve the Shining Moments 226
時を惜しみて 146
There Is Sunshine in My Soul Today 227
心に光りあり 139
You Can Make the Pathway Bright 228
心の中に光を持てば 141
Today, While the Sun Shines 229
日の照る間に働け 142
Scatter Sunshine 230
光を道にまけ 143
Father, Cheer Our Souls Tonight 231

Let Us Oft Speak Kind Words 232
親しく語り合わん 140
Nay, Speak No Ill 233
悪を言うな 150
Jesus, Mighty King in Zion 234

Should You Feel Inclined to Censure 235
人の過ちを 147
Lord, Accept into Thy Kingdom 236

Do What Is Right 237
正しかれ 151
Behold Thy Sons and Daughters, Lord 238

Choose the Right 239
選べ,正義を 152
Know This, That Every Soul Is Free 240

Count Your Blessings 241
み恵み数えあげ 153
Praise God, from Whom All Blessings Flow 242
愛の神,賛めよ 144
Let Us All Press On 243
神のみ業に進みて 149
Come Along, Come Along 244
来たれ,来たれ 154
This House We Dedicate to Thee 245
この家,父なる神に捧ぐ 148
Onward, Christian Soldiers 246
戦い進め 155
We Love Thy House, O God 247
いとまされる 158
Up, Awake, Ye Defenders of Zion 248

Called to Serve 249
われらは天の王に 157
We Are All Enlisted 250
戦い止むまで 162
Behold! A Royal Army 251
見よ,王の軍は 160
Put Your Shoulder to the Wheel 252
世はよく働く人求む 161
Like Ten Thousand Legions Marching 253

True to the Faith 254
シオンの若者,真理を守り 163
Carry On 255
山のごとく強く 167
As Zion’s Youth in Latter Days 256

Rejoice! A Glorious Sound Is Heard 257

O Thou Rock of Our Salvation 258
力強き主よ 164
Hope of Israel 259
シオンのつわもの 159
Who’s on the Lord’s Side? 260
主の方には 165
Thy Servants Are Prepared 261

Go, Ye Messengers of Glory 262

Go Forth with Faith 263
信仰もて行け 168
Hark, All Ye Nations! 264
天よりの声聞け 166
Arise, O God, and Shine 265

The Time Is Far Spent 266
時過ぎて 169
How Wondrous and Great 267

Come, All Whose Souls Are Lighted 268
高き知恵もて 170
Jehovah, Lord of Heaven and Earth 269
エホバ,天地の主 171
I’ll Go Where You Want Me to Go 270
み旨のまま行かん 172
Oh, Holy Words of Truth and Love 271
高きに導く 173
Oh Say, What Is Truth? 272
真理は何と言えば 175
Truth Reflects upon Our Senses 273
真理,胸に照り 174
The Iron Rod 274
鉄の棒 176
Men Are That They Might Have Joy 275

Come Away to the Sunday School 276

As I Search the Holy Scriptures 277
われみ言葉読む 177
Thanks for the Sabbath School 278

Thy Holy Word 279

Welcome, Welcome, Sabbath Morning 280
楽し安息の日 178
Help Me Teach with Inspiration 281
主よ霊感もて 182
We Meet Again in Sabbath School 282

The Glorious Gospel Light Has Shone 283

If You Could Hie to Kolob 284

God Moves in a Mysterious Way 285

Oh, What Songs of the Heart 286
われら天にまた会うとき 179
Rise, Ye Saints, and Temples Enter 287
起て,宮に入りて 183
How Beautiful Thy Temples, Lord 288

Holy Temples on Mount Zion 289

Rejoice, Ye Saints of Latter Days 290

Turn Your Hearts 291

O My Father 292
高きに栄えて 180
Each Life That Touches Ours for Good 293

Love at Home 294
家庭の愛 181
O Love That Glorifies the Son 295

Our Father, by Whose Name 296

From Homes of Saints Glad Songs Arise 297

Home Can Be a Heaven on Earth 298
愛ある家は 186
Children of Our Heavenly Father 299

Families Can Be Together Forever 300
家庭は永遠に 187
I Am a Child of God 301
神の子です 189
I Know My Father Lives 302
お父さまは生きています 190
Keep the Commandments 303
戒めを守る人を 193
Teach Me to Walk in the Light 304
光の中進もう 194
The Light Divine 305
神の光受け 191
God’s Daily Care 306

In Our Lovely Deseret 307
神の聖徒の 185
Love One Another 308
共に愛し合え 192
As Sisters in Zion (Women) 309
シオンの娘 195
A Key Was Turned in Latter Days (Women) 310

We Meet Again as Sisters (Women) 311

We Ever Pray for Thee (Women) 312

God Is Love (Women) 313

How Gentle God’s Commands (Women) 314

Jesus, the Very Thought of Thee (Women) 315

The Lord Is My Shepherd (Women) 316

Sweet Is the Work (Women) 317

Love at Home (Women) 318

Ye Elders of Israel (Men) 319
イスラエルの長老たちよ 196
The Priesthood of Our Lord (Men) 320

Ye Who Are Called to Labor (Men) 321
み言葉により 197
Come, All Ye Sons of God (Men) 322
神権持つ子らよ 199
Rise Up, O Men of God (Men’s Choir) 323

Rise Up, O Men of God (Men) 324

See the Mighty Priesthood Gathered (Men’s Choir) 325

Come, Come, Ye Saints (Men’s Choir) 326

Go, Ye Messengers of Heaven (Men’s Choir) 327

An Angel from on High (Men’s Choir) 328

Thy Servants Are Prepared (Men’s Choir) 329

See, the Mighty Angel Flying (Men’s Choir) 330

Oh Say, What Is Truth? (Men’s Choir) 331

Come, O Thou King of Kings (Men’s Choir) 332

High on the Mountain Top (Men’s Choir) 333

I Need Thee Every Hour (Men’s Choir) 334

Brightly Beams Our Father’s Mercy (Men’s Choir) 335
天父は灯台のごとく 200
School Thy Feelings (Men’s Choir) 336
心を迎えよ 198
O Home Beloved (Men’s Choir) 337

America the Beautiful 338

My Country, ’Tis of Thee 339

The Star-Spangled Banner 340

God Save the King 341


Jesus Wants Me for a Sunbeam-1
光となるように 188
Oh, I Had Such a Prettty Dream, Mama-2
母よ、われ美しき夢見ぬ 184
Waiting for the Reapers-3
刈り手をまちつつ 156
My Jesus, As Thou Wilt-4
主のみ旨に従い行かん 132
Let Us Treat Each Other Kindly-5
やさしく交わらん 131
Behold the Lamb of God-6
天の装いの子羊、見よ 130
Verdant Spring and Rosy Summer-7
若葉の春 129
The Joy and the Song-8
主をたたえん 39
Kind and Heavenly Father-9
やさしき天の父よ 35


Thursday, November 26, 2020

Gratitude for Bad Habits?

An FB friend expressed gratitude for bad habits.

Interesting thought, isn't it? Bad habits waste our time and other resources, cause friction with family, neighbors, friends, co-workers, etc., cost us pain, heartache, and anguish.

I don't know what habits she was thinking of, but I think I have an idea what she means.

Paul mentions a thorn in his side, and he talks about glorying in infirmities. We can read that several ways.

Like any human, I have a number of bad habits. Among other things, I tend to pay too much attention to detail, and when I don't I tend to be too willing to just let things ride. And I also have a bad habit of getting down on myself when I don't measure up to what I think people expect of me.

There is a bad habit that cost me my relationship with the first woman I was engaged with. 

Maybe it was just as well. Even though she was an English-speaking American and we ostensibly shared our religion and a number of interests, she would have had at least as hard a time understanding me as the woman I married.

Some bad habits are actual bad habits. 

 Others are not so much bad habits as aspects of our personality that somebody decides to complain about.

Trying to overcome bad habits can make us stronger.

Trying to overcome our own personality traits that some people decide to complain about can bring us face-to-face with God, if we try hard enough that He has to tell us to knock it off. 

Isaiah 55 has some interesting things to say. One of those is how God's ways are higher than ours, and His thoughts are higher than ours.

If you think about it, mortal humans have no hope to ever know much about much. Even as a group, our technologies, histories, cultures, everything we do tends to fall apart well before we can amass much knowledge, even about ourselves. 

Mortality means we can only get closer to perfection than we have been in the past. At the end of the day, we aren't much closer, and even at the ends of our lives, we fall short of perfection. 

God's ways and thoughts excel ours. Since our understanding is based on our thoughts, even our understanding of God's thoughts and ways falls short.

One thing we tend to ignore is that this means even our ideals fall short.

If you can't accept that, let me ask you to pick an ideal and explain it to me without resorting to your imperfect understanding and mine.

All of our ideals fall short of the glory of God.

Does this mean ideals are bad? No, not really. They are useful for pushing us forward, pushing us to do and be better.

But there comes a time to see where each ideal falls short of the glory of God, find better ideals, and move beyond the old ones.

This is where bad habits come in.

Bad habits are generally what we do in response to something we should be doing or getting but aren't.

Maybe we see green leaves on vegetables as non-ideal. They have a stronger taste, and they tend to be the outer leaves, so they tend to pick up dirt, pesticides, and agricultural chemicals. In our limited ideals, we throw them away.

And then we end up lacking certain B vitamins. And we develop certain bad habits, say overeating, or using tobacco, beer, coffee, etc., trying to stave off the need for those vitamins.

We use our willpower to quit those habits, but it's not enough. Until we figure out what our bad habits are trying to compensate for, the bad habits keep coming back.

So the bad habits can help us figure out where our ideals fall short, help us to find better ways to meet our real needs.

Paul's thorn in the flesh, which he talks about in 2 Corinthians 12, is often explained as a reference to pride and humility. But it's not just for abstract humility.


Tuesday, September 8, 2020




Monday, September 7, 2020

Science vs. Religion!

Every now and again, someone brings up the old debate about science versus religion.

I had a religion teacher once who claimed that science was us pushing outward, and religion was God pouring knowledge in on us.

Well, that wasn't exactly what he said, but there were sure a number of the students in his class that took it that way.

I won't argue that it's completely meaningless, but I will argue that one should not use the observation to define religion or science.

Here's how I define science, and I definitely will not claim it is a perfect definition:

Science is humans studying the tangible world around themselves, recording observations, making experiments, developing theories and testing them against the observations and experimental results, and sharing what they've learned. In sharing, there is a strong emphasis on reproducibility of results.

And religion:

Religion is humans studying the intangible world around them, recording observations, making experiments, developing theories and testing them (though sometimes not testing them too well), and sharing what they've learned. In sharing, the emphasis is not strong on reproducibility of results, because it is understood that language about the intangible world (by definition) cannot generally be precise enough to ascertain whether results have been reproduced in any but a broad sense.

Note two things.

One, religion is also the work of human beings -- fallible human beings.

Two, nothing in my definition eliminates inspiration from either. Any good scientist will acknowledge the role of serendipity in the progress of science. I'm not going to insist that everyone see the hand of God in serendipity, but if God is the creator of the universe -- if God is the source and essence of the grand unifying principle by which the universe operates -- trying to argue that serendipity is not God's hand is futile.

(For me, the grand unifying principle that so many physicists seek is quite obviously God, but that observation is so full of the hidden burden of semantics that, much as I wish all could see it, I cannot demand that anyone see it.)

My definitions. They work for me (for now). Your mileage may vary.

Tuesday, June 23, 2020

Molasses on a Straw, or a Club?

(This is a conversation example, but it is primarily religious in content, so I am putting it here instead of my Random Eikaiwa blog.

Bee: Oh, that Brigham Young. He makes me soooo mad.

Kay: I know! He was such an evil person.

Non-chan: What did he do? I thought he was a prophet.

Kay: He was! And that's the problem with this Church.

Bee: Well, we shouldn't paint the whole church bad just because of him.

Hal: Hi guys, whatcha talking about?

Non-chan: Brigham Young.

Kay: Ssshhh.

Bee: Nothing.

Hal: Oh, Brigham Young. Seems like every ten years or so, somebody digs up something he said, quotes it out of context, and makes a fuss about it. Then somebody with a cooler head explains it, and it wasn't that bad after all.

Kay: See. Hal just doesn't know anything.

Hal: Yeah. I'm out of it. Haven't got a clue. So, what's got your back up?

Non-chan: Backup?

Hal: Sorry. Old expression. What's making, uhm, whom, mad?

Non-chan: Yeah, Bee, what is upsetting you?

Bee: He was such a violent person! He said you should hit people who don't understand over the head with a two-by-four!

Non-chan: No way! Really!

Kay: I've heard of that.

Bee: I have the quote right here:
You may pound one Elder over the head with a two-by-four, and he does not know but what you have handed him a straw dipped in molasses to suck.
Kay: Very violent.

Hal: Oh, boy. And everybody complains when I get dramatic.

Non-chan: Huh?

Hal: (Face-palms.)

Bee: What? I'm not being dumb. It says it right here!

Hal: Quoted out of context.

Non-chan: What's a two-by-four?

Kay: It's a piece of wood that you build a house out of. Four inches wide, two inches thick, however long. That's ten centimeters wide and five centimeters thick.

Bee: Like hitting someone over the head with a baseball bat.

Kay: Or worse.

Hal: Okay, I looked it up on the Internet, and here it is, with a little more context:
You may, figuratively speaking, pound one Elder over the head with a
club, and he does not know but what you have handed him a straw dipped
in molasses to suck. There are others, if you speak a word to them, or take
a straw and chasten them, whose hearts are broken; they are as tender in
their feelings as an infant, and will melt like wax before the flame. You must
not chasten them severely; you must chasten according to the spirit that is
in the person. Some you may talk to all day long, and they do not know
what you are talking about. There is a great variety. Treat people as they are
(Discourses of Brigham Young, Widtsoe, p. 150).
Bee: Quoting more doesn't change what he said! He said we should hit people over the head with a club!

Kay: He at least said we could!

Non-chan: I'm not sure that's what he meant.

Hal: It was a figure of expression, and an example of different ways people take things when you tell them they are wrong. Some people, you can use strong language with. Some you have to be careful. There is a great variety -- many different kinds of people, and we should treat people as they are.

Non-chan: He even said, "figuratively speaking".

Kay: But he said "pound one elder over the head with a club"!

Bee: And he said you can talk all day to some people and they still don't understand. Hmm.

Kay: Hey!

Bee: Okay, maybe he didn't say we should.

Kay: Don't just give up the fight!

Bee: I'm not saying I like him, just that maybe I was misinterpreting this one.

Hal: I think he may have said too much on occasion, but that also was part of the way people discussed things back then. Different times, different ways of talking, even though it looks like the same English. Let me see if I can find something on a similar subject. Ah. This is from the unabridged Journal of Discourses, coincidentally on page 150 of volume nine:
Break not the spirit of any person ....
Kay: I want that in context!

Hal: Okay.
What a pity it would be if we were led by one man to utter destruction! Are you afraid of this? I am more afraid that this people have so much confidence in their leaders that they will not inquire for themselves of God whether they are led by Him. I am fearful they settle down in a state of blind self-security, trusting their eternal destiny in the hands of their leaders with a reckless confidence that in itself would thwart the purposes of God in their salvation, and weaken that influence they could give to their leaders, did they know for themselves, by the revelations of Jesus, that they are led in the right way. Let every man and woman know, by the whispering of the Spirit of God to themselves, whether their leaders are walking the path the Lord dictates, or not. This has been my exhortation continually.
Brother Joseph W. Young remarked this morning that he wished the people to receive the word of the Lord through his servants, be dictated by them, and have no will of their own. I would express it in this wise: God has placed within us a will, and we should be satisfied to have it controlled by the will of the Almighty.
Non-chan: Almighty?

Bee: That's God. I'll read for a bit.
Let the human will be indomitable for right. It has been the custom of parents to break the will until it is weakened, and the noble, Godlike powers of the child are reduced to a comparative state of imbecility and cowardice. Let that heaven-born property of human agents be properly tempered and wisely directed, instead of pursuing the opposite course, and it will conquer in the cause of right. Break not the spirit of any person, but guide it to feel that it is its greatest delight and highest ambition to be controlled by the revelations of Jesus Christ; then the will of man becomes Godlike in overcoming the evil that is sown in the flesh, until God shall reign within us to will and do of his good pleasure.
Kay: Whoa, whoa! That's too much!

Bee: He says one thing, then he says another. He worries that members of the Church will trust their leaders too much and lose their willpower, but then he says that we should subject our will perfectly to God.

Non-chan: Is God a man?

Kay: But, ... our leaders are our representatives of God.

Hal: But not God. Can I read a bit more?

Kay: Let me.

Let all persons be fervent in prayer, until they know the things of God for themselves and become certain that they are walking in the path that leads to everlasting life; then will envy, the child of ignorance, vanish, and there will be no disposition in any man to place himself above another; for such a feeling meets no countenance in the order of heaven. (Volume 9, Journal of Discourses, Brigham Young, page 150.)
Kay: But, if we lose our will to God, we still lose our will?

Hal: Who gave us our will?

Kay: The natural man is an enemy to God.

Hal: That's from the third chapter of Mosiah, but read the whole thing:
For the natural man is an enemy to God, and has been from the fall of Adam, and will be, forever and ever, unless he yields to the enticings of the Holy Spirit, and putteth off the natural man and becometh a saint through the atonement of Christ the Lord, and becometh as a child, submissive, meek, humble, patient, full of love, willing to submit to all things which the Lord seeth fit to inflict upon him, even as a child doth submit to his father. (Book of Mormon, Mosiah 3: 19.)
Non-chan: How do we tell the difference between the Holy Spirit and unholy spirits?

Bee: Isn't that what our leaders teach us?

Hal: Well, let's look at seventh chapter of Moroni:
For behold, the Spirit of Christ is given to every man, that he may know good from evil; wherefore, I show unto you the way to judge; for every thing which inviteth to do good, and to persuade to believe in Christ, is sent forth by the power and gift of Christ; wherefore ye may know with a perfect knowledge it is of God. (Book of Mormon, Moroni 7: 16.)
Non-chan: That sounds like your conscience.

Hal: Precisely.

Kay: But of course, it doesn't mean everything.

Hal: Everything which invites us to do good and believe in that God that helps us do good.

Kay: But thinking for yourself is bad.

Hal: Brigham Young said his son had said something that sounded like that, but he somewhat politely disagreed. Rather strongly disagreed.

Bee: But if we disagree with our leaders, that must be wrong, right?

Non-chan: Maybe it depends on how we go about disagreeing?

Hal: I think so.

Kay: But our leaders can't be wrong, can they?

Non-chan: If they couldn't be wrong, why would Brigham Young worry?

Hal: I've prayed about it, and the answer I get is that helping our leaders get things right is part of that influence for good that Brigham Young talks about, when we know for ourselves.

Bee: Can you back that up in scriptures?

Hal: Sort of. But if I just convince you of it, then you haven't found out for yourself. It's there if you'll look and pray, but I have to warn you about one thing.

Bee: What's that?

Hal: Once you start listening to God, it's better to keep listening. Thinking you know it all is a really bad habit.

Kay: So said from the know it all.

Hal: Mea culpa. My bad. Forgive me of that, huh?

Sunday, May 24, 2020

Blessings from the Isolation Order -- 隔離指示から恵み

Today I was blessed by the isolation directives (that are finally being lifted, a bit at a time).
[JMR202006071112 和訳追加 Japanese translation added:{}.]

Still no general church meetings, still partaking of the tokens of Jesus' sacrifice in isolation.

Started with a hymn, randomly picked Hymn #52 in the Japanese Hymnal, 「取り巻く闇の中を」 ("Torimaku Yami no Naka wo").
{先ずは賛美歌を、ほぼ手当り次第に日本語賛美歌の 52番の「取り巻く闇の中を」 を選んで歌いました。}

Since I could, I sang it again in English: #97, "Lead Kindly Light".
{差し止める理由なく、また英語で歌いました。これは英語賛美歌の 97番の "Lead Kindly Light"です。}

I'm stuck in the middle of verse 3, can't yet sing through the words, "... 'til The night is gone.". (... over moor and fen, over crag and torrent, until the night is gone. And with the morning those angel faces smile, which I have loved long since and lost awhile.!)

You really don't have the opportunity to break down like this in public meetings. It's not that you have to put on a front, it's that you have too many things to take care of, too many things to participate in, too many responsibilities. And you assume the quiet moments in between will be enough, so you give an ear to the whisperings of the Holy Spirit, but you don't give them your whole heart.

Well, sometimes you do have the opportunity, but I am now under the full focus, full flow of the Spirit of God, and it overpowers me. It's taking away certain foolish strength, and leaving me more able to do whatever it is I must do tomorrow. And the rest of today.

Random is not random.

My plans are not the Lords. At best I have bits and pieces of His plans in there. His plans take precedence.

Complaining is not evil, if I keep my heart open, and listen, while I complain, and when I'm done complaining.

And I felt inspired to record this. Not the whole of the revelation I am receiving, but this part.

One step ahead, Lord, when you will. When you will not let me see, bless me that either the place I put my foot will be solid long enough to move ahead, or that you will catch me before too long as I fall again. If Oliver Granger had a promise about the times he fell, I can trust you as well.

Wednesday, March 11, 2020

I Am a Child of God -- Missing Verse

Song #2 in the English Children's Songbook, where it has four verses.

Hymn # 301 in the English Hymnal, where it has only the first three verses.

 In neither case does it directly mention Jesus Christ.

I suppose I may be demanding too much perfection, but it seems to me that it is therefore missing a verse.

So, I propose an additional verse, to be sung after either verse two or verse three. It should go something like this:
I am a child of God,
And Jesus is my brother.
Because He lived and died for me
I can return to Mother.
But there are some rhythm problems. Worse, there are some  interpretational issues.

First, He lived and died, and He lives again. That He resurrected brings the hope of the resurrection to us, as well.

Children and people with less complete understanding of the news Jesus brings us may not be aware that He lives again, so we should say that, if we talk about His living and dying for us.

Second, while those who are well-versed in the true doctrines will recognize that returning to Heavenly Mother implies returning to Heavenly Father, Children and those new to the principles of the Gospel will not recognize that. Again, we need to be explicit:
I am a child of God,
And Jesus is my brother.
Because He lived and died, and lives again for me,
I can return to Heavenly Father and Mother.
And now the rhythm is completely off.

Sunday, March 8, 2020

Know This That Every Soul Is Free, Hymn #240

(I hear there is a new Hymnbook in the works.)

It's not in the Japanese Hymnbook, unfortunately. So I'm going to offer a crude translation. (Crude, because my Japanese is not up to a proper translation.)

The original author of the lyrics is apparently unknown (anonymous).

Official cross-references include:
I can offer several more, the following two for starters:
2 Nephi 2 (particularly v. 27特に, but read the whole chapter)
Mosiah 29 (particularly v. 34特に, but again, read the whole chapter)

The lyrics:

Know This, That Every Soul Is Free


Anonymous, ca. 1805, Boston, MASS. 
Included in the first hymnbook of the nascent Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.

Know this, that ev’ry soul is free
To choose his life and what he’ll be;
For this eternal truth is giv’n:
That God will force no man to heav’n.

He’ll call, persuade, direct aright,
And bless with wisdom, love, and light,
In nameless ways be good and kind,
But never force the human mind.

Freedom and reason make us men;
Take these away, what are we then?
Mere animals, and just as well
The beasts may think of heav’n or hell.

May we no more our pow’rs abuse,
But ways of truth and goodness choose;
Our God is pleased when we improve
His grace and seek his perfect love.

(Link to me singing this in rough form on youtube. 8-* ユーチューブ上掲載して荒れた声で歌って上げている。)

Being Prepared for the "End Times"

(From a post on FB:)

Studying from the Come Follow Me manual for March 2-8 since we don't have church today.

These words hit me a little hard:

The next time you partake of the Sacrament (ergo, of the Lord's Supper) ..."

It will be at least a few weeks yet, before this wave of the overflowing scourge passes. The economic repercussions will be felt for a while.

But the Apocolypse says it gets a lot worse before He comes again.

People talk about end times. They are here. Stored food and taking care of your health may get you some more time to repent in this world. Money, less and less.

Why not repent now and turn your heart towards God, so you can be prepared for what comes after?