
I am just another member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints airing my personal opinions.
This "hands-on" is in the form of what we call a personal testimony.

My personal ideas and interpretations.

I hope it's useful. If not, I hope you'll forgive me for wasting your time.

Above all, don't take my word for the things I write. Look the scriptures up yourself. Your opinion of them is far more important to you than mine.

Sunday, April 24, 2022

Personal Notes from Mark L. Pace, "Conversion Is Our Goal" -- マーク L. ペイスの「改心が私達の目標です」からの個人ノート

From listening to Mark L. Pace's talk, "Conversion Is Our Goal":
マーク L. ペイスの話の「改心が私達の目標です」からの個人ノート:

  • Conversion doesn't happen all at once. It requires consistent, daily efforts and the influence of the Holy Spirit -- and patience. It's a lifelong process.

  • Another person's experiences and insights may be helpful, but they won't save us. Only through our own experience applying our own insights that we receive directly from the Holy Spirit can open us up to the redemption that the Savior offers us. 

  • Study the scriptures looking for what the Spirit would teach us from them.

  • I probably need to take more notes from my scripture study. (Thus, these notes.)

  • There are several ways that we can know when the Holy Spirit is teaching us. They all involve recognizing the light the Spirit brings into our minds and hearts.

  • It's good for spouses to study together and share perspectives with each other.

  • Adam, Eve, and the other Patriarchs of the Old Testament are trustworthy guides.

  • The ancient Passover includes the tokens of the blood and body of the first born. Those tokens direct us to protection from the plagues that would take our children away from us.

  • Acting in faith frees us from spiritual captivity.

  • Obeying in spite of a lack of understanding brings us to understanding and faith if we seek for understanding and faith as we do so.

  • Studying the gospel at home has lasting effect, bringing the light and joy (delight) of the gospel into our homes and families and helping defend our homes and families from the influence of the adversary of our souls.

  • It would be interesting to read or hear testimonies from those who participated in the first Passover, but we can listen to the testimonies of those around us who follow the prophet's counsel to study the Gospel at home.

  • Miracles do happen.

  • Eternal life begins at home.

Sunday, April 17, 2022

From Today's Meetings, a Little about Abominations and Redemptions -- 今日の集会から〜忌まわしいものや、贖いについての本の少し

From today's meetings, part (1)

Doctrine and Covenants 88

  • 80〜92節:用意するが良い。物質てきは兎に角、霊的に。
    vs. 80~92: It's time to prepare — materially, yes, but spiritually.
  • 79節:お互いに教え合うべきこと。
    v. 79: We should be teaching each other.

  • 85節:忌まわしい荒廃(今はウクライナにて、ロシア)
    v. 85: the desolation of abominations (at present in the Ukraine, Russia)


From today's meetings, part (2)

Mosiah 14 (Isaiah 53)

  • 1節:誰が私達の告げたことがらを信じたか。主の腕は誰に現されたか。
    v. 1: Who hath abelieved our report, and to whom is the arm of the Lord revealed?
  • 2節:…彼を慕う美しさもない。
    v. 2: ... there is no beauty that we should desire him.

  • 3節:…彼は侮られ,わたしたちは彼を尊ばなかった。
    v. 3: ... he was despised, and we esteemed him not.
  • 6節:…主はわたしたちすべての者の罪悪を彼に負わせられた。
    v. 6: ... the Lord hath laid on him the iniquities of us all.
  • 10節:…あなたが彼を罪のささげ物とするとき,彼は自分の①子孫を見てその命を延ばし,主の御心は彼の手によって栄える。
    v. 10: ... when thou shalt make his soul an offering for sin he shall see his bseed, he shall prolong his days, and the pleasure of the Lord shall prosper in his hand.
  • 11節:…彼の知識により,わたしの義にかなった僕は多くの者を義とするが,それは,彼が彼らの罪悪を①身に負おうからである。
    v. 11: ... by his knowledge shall my righteous servant justify many; for he shall abear their iniquities.


  • 人間らしい考え方にして、イエス様が行う贖罪などが格好くない。
  • イエス様のことを信じるかどうかを別にして、全ての人の罪を贖ってくださる。(つまり、人が赦される。)
  • その子孫を見る意味は、イエスさまが行われる贖罪を信じて受け入て悔い改めれるほどイエス様の子孫となる。(つまり、人かやっていることが義とされる。) 


Oh, That I Were an Angel -- おお,わたしが天使であって

..., and could have the wish of mine heart, ...

If you're familiar with the Book of Mormon, Alma 29 verses 1 and 2 are pretty well-known, aren't they? 

1と2節の続き Verses 1 and 2 continue:

... that I might go forth and speak with the atrump of God, with a voice to shake the earth, and cry repentance unto every people! Yea, I would declare unto every soul, as with the voice of thunder, repentance and the plan of redemption, that they should repent and acome unto our God, that there might not be more sorrow upon all the face of the earth.

Have you read verse 3?

But behold, I am a man, and do sin in my wish;


... for I ought to be content with the things which the Lord hath allotted unto me.

Content? With things as they are? Surely not! Am I supposed to just lose my ambitions?

Do I dare read verse 4?

I ought not to harrow up in my desires the firm decree of a just God,

(英語の "harrow up" を、その農業の道具に因んで「乱す」と訳していますが、 "up" までいうと「攻める」と訳しても良かったけど。まあ、意味が実質的に変わりません。 For what it's worth, the Japanese word used for "harrow up" refers to the farming implement:「乱す」, "to cause disorder". I think, since the English includes "up", they could have used 「攻める」, "to attack" -- not that it changes the meaning significantly.) 

... for I know that he granteth unto men according to their adesire, whether it be unto death or unto life; yea, I know that he allotteth unto men, yea, decreeth unto them decrees which are unalterable, according to their bwills, whether they be unto salvation or unto destruction.

Well, if this intrigues you, go ahead and read the rest of the chapter. I think it's quite interesting.

Saturday, April 2, 2022

How I Understand the Church's 1st Article of Faith

Here's how I read the First Article of Faith of the Church of context here:

1: We beleive in God the Eternal Father, and in His Son, Jesus Christ, and in the Holy Ghost.

In the current milieu, it is easy to read this simple statement as saying something almost diametrically opposed to what I understand Joseph Smith to have meant when he penned the words a hundred some-odd years ago. So I'm going to offer my unofficial rephrase, using words that I hope will be more understandable in modern English:

We believe in the Prime Paradigm -- the Eternal Progenitor -- and in the pre-eminent Child thereof, Jesus Christ, and in the Holy Essence.

Except that that has just as many issues of interpretation as the original, probably more, even if they are different issues. 

Well, it's a thought. I'll leave it up there as a decoy while I ask you to allow me room to explain how I understand the principle terms of the original wording. 

(The point is, when I talk about God, I'm not talking about what certain other people say I'm talking about. Please set aside all the assumptions, images and preconceptions that people have thrown at you about God and religion, claiming to be either for or against.) 


  1. That which a person sets at highest priority;
  2. The source of the universe around us.



  • Existing outside the bounds of what we attempt to describe in our physical laws of thermodynamics, ergo, not bound by entropy or by its corollary, time.



  • Progenitor, or archetype from which children are generated.



  • That which is generated or pro-created by the Parent, thus, capable of growth.
    1. Capable, when fully grown, of standing independent.
    2. Capable, when fully grown according to the pattern of the Parent, of standing in proxy for the Parent.



  • Name which can be interpreted as "God is help." Points us to the concept that God does care, after all.



  • Title indicating the necessity of choice.



  • Not profane. In particular, not made profane by the pursuit of power, authority, fame, influence, monetary gain, or such.



  • The essence of those things which we perceive by our five senses,
    1. somewhat corollary to the mathematical concept of automata,
    2. also somewhat corollary to software in programmed systems.
  • All things have spirit.

Note, relevant to the current arguments concerning gender, that none of this mentions gender, other than indirectly by the implicit reference to engendering.

Note also that, none of this references an angry god-image ready to punish to the fullest all who dare breach any of his dictates. In fact, such an image simply does not fit in this concept of Progenitor, and does not match at all with the meaning of the name, Jesus.